Censored (Kronik)
First Brewed: 2001 Rich Copper Ale“This ale contains no actual copper but we’re pretty literal… It looked coppery, so we lamely called it a copper ale. Lots’a nice caramel malt though… Originally 5.9% alcohol by volume, currently
Malty, Roasty, and Deceptively Smooth… This Amber-esque ale gets more of a cocoa-toasty flavor from the use of chocolate malts.”

Anyway, we were going out to, uh, the, uh, you know, thing, and all, and when we got there, well, uh, the dude was like-“whoa man! I mean, and we were all, uh, you know- whoa! And stuff, and when I said to him, like you know, hey man and all, they, I mean he, was all “what?” and stuff- and I just told him what you said and all, and they were all man- “not cool dude”, but whatever- so uh, we split and went back to my lair and just hung out and whatever, but the whole thing was, like, just Such a bummer and all but you know, it was cool and stuff, but you just gotta, you know, about the dude and all, like, it’s cool and you know, but what’s up with the “blah blah blah”? Whatzit got to do with beer and all? I mean, really, dude, whatever… 707.769.4495… but it’s cool and all…
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